Astrology, poses and interpretations


I'm Tanja Short, and I perceive the birth chart as akin to a unique yoga pose gifted to you at the moment of birth. It beckons you to delve into it, to sense its contours, to stretch and breathe within its confines, and ultimately, to embody it fully.

Allow me to assist you on this journey.

Perhaps there's been a persistent sensation throughout your life, one that's been challenging to articulate. Astrology offers a language for such feelings. Together, we can delve into your birth chart, identifying the archetypes it embodies and crafting narratives that deeply resonate with you. Through this exploration, you'll come to intimately understand these facets of yourself, embracing their messages and flourishing in their most positive expressions.

Birth charT interpretation

Your birth chart describes your main talents and character traits. Are you fully embracing those energies? Let me tell them to you, and we can explore them together. Let's explore them together in a 90-minute session for $195.

90 minutes $195


Would you like to review your chart?

60 minutes $105

Mother/child interpretation

Would you like to learn about your primal triads, and how to balance yours with that of your child? Discover the harmonies and disharmonies between these archetypes.

60 minutes $125

Family interpretation

Send me the birth data of you, your husband, and up to three children, and we will see how you all best get along according to your Primal triads.

60 minutes $175

Get in touch

Please include your birth data (birthday/time/place) in your email, the best times during the week to schedule your 90 minute session and, if you have one, the topic of your interest.